Brand New British Isles 50p marks the Queen’s 65th Coronation Anniversary

This year, Her Majesty the Queen celebrates her Sapphire Coronation Anniversary – 65 years since she was crowned at Westminster Abbey in 1953.

As the world’s longest reigning living monarch, she will be the first monarch in British history to celebrate a Sapphire Coronation, an historic achievement to be recognised as part of her record-breaking reign.

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Elizabeth ascended the throne at the age of 25, upon the death of her father, King George VI in 1952. After a year’s mourning period, she was crowned Queen in a coronation ceremony steeped with tradition. Millions tuned in to listen to the ceremony on the radio and, for the first time ever, the proceedings were able to be watched on live television.

In celebration of the Sapphire Coronation, a limited set of special commemorative 50p coins have just been officially approved by Buckingham Palace.

Fittingly, the first coin is engraved with the words of the Coronation Oath,


The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me God.


The other four 50p coins each feature a different element of the Coronation: The St Edwards Crown, The Orb, The Gold State Coach and The Imperial State Crown.

four coins - Brand New British Isles 50p marks the Queen’s 65th Coronation Anniversary

The UK’s most collectable coins…


The 50p coin has rapidly become the UK’s most collectable coin, spurred on by the release of the Olympic 50p coins, the Platinum Wedding Anniversary and more recently, the incredible demand for the Beatrix Potter 50p coins.

Most importantly, each of the five coins in the Sapphire Coronation 50p Coin Set have been authorised by the Isle of Man Treasury, have full legal status AND a very limited number will enter circulation in the Isle of Man.

British Isles 50p coins like this rarely turn up in UK change, which is bound to make these some of the most sought-after circulating coins around.

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The coins are all available now from The Westminster Collection, struck to a range of specifications, from Brilliant Uncirculated through Silver Proof, right up to a stunning 22 Carat Gold piece.



Due to its very limited nature, we will contact you directly to discuss owning the Gold Proof 50p.

Please complete the form below:


If you’re interested…

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The 50p Set to mark the Queen’s 65th Coronation anniversary is available to purchase in Superior Brilliant Uncirculated collector’s quality.

Order the Complete set here.

Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p Coins

Celebrate all things quintessentially British with the 26 new 10p coins released into circulation this March. The Royal Mint’s A to Z Silver Proof Coin Series is set to create a collecting storm, with each stunning design featuring a much loved British icon, from the famed English breakfast to the legendary King Arthur. Which will be your favourite?


A - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsA is for Angel of the North, the largest UK sculpture, standing at 20 metres tall and welcoming visitors to Gateshead with outstretched, curving wings that are said to give a sense of embrace.



B - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p Coins

B is for Bond, James Bond. This coin features the unmistakable gun barrel and 007 logo from the nation’s favourite fictional Secret Service Agent and suave character, first brought to the Silver Screen by Sean Connery in 1962.



C - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsC could only be Cricket, the Great British sporting pastime and the country’s national sport since the 18th century. We don’t like cricket, we love it!



D - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsD stands for Double Decker Bus, famously recognised world-wide as an icon for London, with many of the city’s buses still remaining red as a symbol for the capital and as a much loved tourist attraction.



E - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsE brings us to the first mention of Great British food, the irresistible English breakfast, also known as a fry up and featuring much loved classics such as eggs, bacon, sausages, hash browns, beans, tomatoes, mushrooms and black pudding.



F - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsF is for Fish and Chips, another food lover’s favourite and British sea-side classic, with the first fish and chip shop opening in the 1860’s, although to this day there is much debate over whether credit is owed to the North or South of Britain for its origin.



G - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsG stands for Greenwich Meantime, with the Royal Observatory in Greenwich being famous as the home of the historic Prime Meridian of the World, dividing eastern and western hemispheres of the globe.



H - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsH is none other than the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, perhaps the most recognisable skyline along the River Thames for the past 300 years and meeting place to examine UK Government, laws, taxes and current issues.



I - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsI takes us to another classic sea-side treat, the Ice Cream Cone. With a multitude of flavours, toppings and types to choose from, everyone enjoys a scoop or two of ice cream on a British summer’s day.



J - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsJ is for Jubilee and what better excuse could there be to bring the community together and get out the bunting for a Great British street party than to celebrate our much loved monarchs?



K - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsK stands for the myth of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, fabled fifth century warriors of the Arthurian legend, believing in the code of chivalry and upholding the values of honour, honesty, valour and loyalty.



L - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsL is another British myth shrouded in mystery, the legend of the aquatic beast known as the Loch Ness Monster or ‘Nessie’ as commonly referred to in Scottish folklore, still yet to be officially discovered.



M - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsM stands for the humble Mackintosh, an essential item of clothing needed to battle against the Great British weather. Because when it rains, it pours!



N - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsN is for the NHS, or National Health Service, a hugely ambitious idea initiated in 1948 to bring good healthcare to all and now renowned as one of the best healthcare provisions in the world.



O - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsO is the mighty Oak tree, a symbol of strength and endurance and the national tree for England and Wales, arguably the most commonly known native British tree found in deciduous woods.



P - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsP has to be the Great British Post Box, resplendent in red and an iconic image gracing postcards and tourist souvenir shops across the country.



Q - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsQ is a world renowned Great British value, forming an orderly Queue and waiting in line with good manners and patience. The people of Britain have queuing etiquette down to a fine art.



R - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsR stands for our beloved Robin redbreast, the UK’s favourite bird that can be seen year round, but most famously at Christmas time when they make a beautiful picture against the frost and snow.



S - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsS is the prominent prehistoric British monument, Stonehenge, consisting of a ring of stones from our Neolithic ancestors, forming one of the Wonders of the World and a source of both spiritualism and inspiration.



T - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsT could be none other than the quintessential British cup of Tea, brewed to perfection. The UK has been one of the greatest consumers of tea since the 18th century, with 165 million cups drank daily according to the UK Tea & Infusions Association.



U - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsU stands for a classic British symbol, the Union Flag, otherwise known as the Union Jack, which was first introduced in 1606 and flown at the main masthead of all English and Scottish ships.



V - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsV is for Villages, with Britain being known for its quaint communities and setting an ideal for living in a peaceful rural atmosphere, away from the hustle and bustle of city life.



W - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsW is the World Wide Web, invented by British computer scientist, Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 to open up the internet so that anyone, anywhere could use it, connecting the world with a single ‘universal space’.



X - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsX Marks the Spot of course! Throughout history, treasure hunters, great explorers and infamous pirates alike have set out to find hidden bounties buried at secret map locations marked with the letter X.



Y - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsY stands for the Yeoman Warder or ‘Beefeaters’ that nowadays stand ceremonially on guard at the Tower of London and were originally part of the Yeoman Guard, charged to personally protect the monarchs of Tudor times.


Z - Collect the A-Z of Quintessentially British 10p CoinsZ is the final coin in the series and stands for Zebra Crossing, used in the UK and worldwide to give right of way to pedestrians, but perhaps known most famously in the UK for the Abbey Road crossing featured in the iconic Beatles album artwork.


Let us know your favourite by commenting below.

If you’re interested…

You can own all of the A-Z 10ps in Silver Proof quality now.

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Click here to pick your favourites.

The political scandal that created the 18th century’s most interesting coin…

It is hard to imagine a scandal taking place today where the political leaders of our country are arrested for causing the financial markets to crash. But that is exactly what happened when the ‘South Sea Bubble’ burst.

The ‘South Sea Bubble’ was a political and financial scandal that led to the arrests of leading members of Parliament and the near collapse of the stock market. From this turmoil one of the 18th Century’s most interesting  coins was produced. Let me tell you how it happened…

The South Sea Bubble

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A trading label of the South Sea Company

The South Sea Company at the heart of the scandal was a trading company with a monopoly on trade in South America. The company was heavily linked with the government of the day, and a number of MPs owned large shares in the company.

Because of their shares in the company, members of the government began using phoney insider information to convince investors of the huge potential in South American trade, and therefore the profitability of the South Sea Company.

However, once investors realised that there was insider trading taking place, the company’s share price collapsed causing a catastrophic loss of money and property.

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Edward Matthew Ward’s depiction of the South Sea bubble (1846)

Frantic bankers and members of the gentry who had lost their life savings stormed Parliament and the Riot Act was read to restore order. An enquiry found that more than 500 members of Parliament had been involved in the crash and the Chancellor of the Exchequer was imprisoned.


The South Sea Company Shilling

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Reverse of the South Sea Shilling

On the brink of collapse, the South Sea Company luckily stumbled across a horde of silver in Indonesia and sold the precious metal to The Royal Mint.

The silver was minted into coins in 1723 with distinctive ‘SS’ and ‘C’ notations on the reverse. The proceeds from this silver helped enable the South Sea Company to recover from the scandal and ultimately continue operating for another century.

The shillings struck with this silver are now almost 300 years old and are a relic of a financial and political disaster which shook the whole country.

If you’re interested…

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UK 1723 George I South Sea Shilling Blog ob 300x200 - The political scandal that created the 18th century’s most interesting coin…

Historic silver issues are extremely difficult to source, however we have a small stock of just 50 South Sea Shillings available for collectors. Click here to find out more >>