Celebrating 20 Years of Partnership between The Royal British Legion & The Westminster Collection

The Westminster Collection has been in proud partnership with The Royal British Legion for over 20 years – since 2004. This makes us one of the charity’s longest-term partners.

Ben France, the Head of Corporate Partnership at RBL says: “We are hugely proud to have The Westminster Collection as one of our longest-standing partners, a business that shares the Royal British Legion’s commitment to being there for the entire Armed Forces community…we are incredibly grateful to The Westminster Collection and its collectors for 20 years of dedicated support and look forward to reaching many more partnership milestones together.”

We couldn’t agree more, so wanted to put together something to show our appreciation to all the collectors who have supported this partnership – providing unwavering support for all these years. Keep reading below to read about the impact of collector’s donations and how this helps support the admirable work of the RBL’s Independent Living Advisors.

The impact of collectors like you

Over the remarkable 20 years of partnership, collectors have raised over £1.3 MILLION for the Royal British Legion. To mark the previous milestone of £1.25 million reached in 2023, we had the pleasure of presenting the Royal British Legion with a cheque from collectors for the incredible amount.

RBL cheque - Celebrating 20 Years of Partnership between The Royal British Legion & The Westminster Collection

The RBL’s Independent Living Advisors

In 2023 alone, our collectors raised a staggering £99,800 for the RBL which could fund three specialist Independent Living Advisors for a whole year.

When every day challenges get too much for someone living in their own home, RBL Independent Living Advisors make sure that they and their carers have the essential support that helps them live safely and independently. The specialist team helps people access services and funding, from Local Authorities and other groups, for home modifications, in-home care support, and much more.

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Kingsman Anthony Cooper MBE

The RBL’s Independent Living Advisors provide support for people like Kingsman Anthony Cooper MBE:

Anthony was told he would never walk or talk again after suffering life-changing injuries in Afghanistan.

Anthony lost both his legs in a Taliban roadside bombing in Helmand Province in July 2010, and was left in a coma for five weeks. Anthony was unable to speak for several months and had to learn how to talk again, beginning with the word ‘hello’. He returned to Lancashire having defied the medics. 

Anthony Cooper - Celebrating 20 Years of Partnership between The Royal British Legion & The Westminster Collection

With the help of Karen Watson, Senior Independent Living Advisor, Anthony’s home was adapted to suit his needs, which included a series of repairs to the property. The RBL worked in conjunction with his local Council who carried out the major works.  

Anthony still struggles with PTSD but the home improvements have made a vast difference to his mental wellbeing. He says: “The house is brilliant now, I can’t thank everyone enough, I’ve built up a good relationship with Karen from the Royal British Legion, and it all came from there.”

Last year, Anthony Cooper was awarded an MBE for voluntary services to veterans in HM The King’s Official Birthday Honours List 2023. 

It’s because of support from our wonderful collectors that the Royal British Legion could do this for Anthony and many more.

In 2022-2023, RBL’s Independent Living Advice service provided advice, support, and advocacy to enable 921 people to live safely and well within their homes. 

Make a donation to help the RBL give life-long support to every generation of our Armed Forces Community: https://www.britishlegion.org.uk/get-involved/ways-to-give/donate

🎖️ Honouring Heroes: The Enduring Legacy of D-Day Veterans

As we near the 80th anniversary of D-Day, it’s a poignant moment to reflect on the courage and sacrifice of those who played a pivotal role in one of the most significant military operations in history. The Westminster Collection, in partnership with the Royal British Legion, brings to light the stories of four veterans whose bravery exemplifies the spirit of that day. Their personal accounts offer us a window into the past, ensuring that the lessons and legacies of 6th June, 1944, are never forgotten.

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D Day Veteran stories Joe Mines Jack Mortimer Bernard Morgan Albert Price 1024x288 - 🎖️ Honouring Heroes: The Enduring Legacy of D-Day Veterans

Bernard Morgan – The Young Visionary of Gold Beach

Bernard Morgan was only 19 when he landed on Gold Beach as an RAF sergeant, making him one of the youngest sergeants to participate in the Normandy invasion. His task began perilously as he manned a Bren gun aboard his landing craft at 3 AM, ready to fend off any aerial attacks. The harsh reality of war struck him deeply as he witnessed the bodies of Allied troops upon his landing—a sight that profoundly affected him and stayed with him for the rest of his life. Bernard still possesses a significant piece of history: the original telex announcing the German surrender, a document he kept secret for over 50 years. His reflections on the importance of remembrance, particularly through the symbol of the poppy, resonate with his belief in acknowledging the sacrifices made by his fallen comrades.

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Albert Price – From Operation Smash to Normandy Shores

Albert Price’s wartime journey began with the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards in 1942, two years before he would set foot on Gold Beach as an 18-year-old gunner. His experience in Operation Smash at Studland Bay, a rehearsal that tragically cost lives, foreshadowed the brutal realities of war he would face. On D-Day, Albert landed amid a storm of artillery, a memory etched in his mind for its intensity and the pride he felt in being part of such a monumental event. The personal losses he endured, and his skirmish with the 12th Panzer division, where he witnessed the severe injury of his driver, underscore the brutal costs of war.

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Jack Mortimer – The Reluctant Hero of Sword Beach

Jack Mortimer vividly recounts the daunting scenario as he landed on Sword Beach, surrounded by a massive assembly of ships, vehicles, tanks, and artillery. His role as a driver and dispatch rider for the 12th Ordnance Beach detachment thrust him directly into the line of fire, navigating through a storm of shells to advance towards Caen. The threat of snipers and the sight of numerous casualties painted a stark picture of the day’s grim realities. Despite the heroism he displayed, Jack humbly remembers the fallen as the true heroes and shares the emotional burden of returning to the beaches where he saw so much loss.

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Joe Mines – The Unseen Bravery of Mine Clearing

Joe Mines’ story of being thrust into the role of mine clearer due to his surname is both ironic and tragic. Tasked with clearing mines from Ver-sur-Mer using only bayonets, Joe faced the terrifying prospect of triggering mines intended to cause maximum damage, like the wooden Schu-mines or the deadly S-mines, which projected ball bearings at waist height. The vivid memories of his comrades falling shortly after landing highlight the random and brutal nature of war. His later years spent promoting the Poppy Appeal helped him find a sense of pride and healing, recognising the value of his survival and contributions.

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Reflecting on Their Legacy

The personal stories of Bernard, Albert, Jack, and Joe not only provide a human perspective to the historical event of D-Day but also emphasise the broader themes of bravery, sacrifice, and the enduring impact of their actions. As we commemorate the 80th anniversary, these personal accounts remind us of the high price of freedom and the importance of peace.

D Day Veteran stories Joe Mines Jack Mortimer Bernard Morgan Albert Price 1024x288 - 🎖️ Honouring Heroes: The Enduring Legacy of D-Day Veterans

These veterans represent a generation whose courage and resilience shaped the course of history. Let us honour their memory and ensure that their stories inspire future generations to value peace, remember the past, and uphold the virtues of bravery and sacrifice.

An exclusive new release for the 80th Anniversary of D-Day

You can directly support veterans while collecting with the brand-new RBL D-Day Anniversary Commemorative. With each purchase of the commemorative we will ensure a 10% donation is made to The Royal British Legion on your behalf.

RBL Cut Out Medal Lifestyle 01 - 🎖️ Honouring Heroes: The Enduring Legacy of D-Day Veterans

Produced in partnership with The Royal British Legion, your commemorative features a dynamic cut-out silhouette of a soldier, stepping forward, rifle aimed – this impressive feature has been created with an innovative minting technique, perfectly capturing the importance of the theme.

All those who fought bravely on the beaches of Normandy are represented by the silhouette, providing a window into the past. A past filled with incredible bravery that deserves to be honoured with a fitting tribute. 

Click here to receive early access and pre-order yours >>

“We retraced the steps of the Dambusters”. How these pilots raised thousands for the RBL.

Last month we travelled to Compton Abbas Airfield in Dorset to meet two pilots who have raised thousands for the Royal British Legion.

Jason Davidson and Simon Shackell flew in specially to tell us all about a remarkable challenge they took on in May.

To mark the 80th anniversary of the Dambusters Raid, they undertook a commemorative flight to recognise the technical skills, ingenuity and courage of those who conducted the legendary air operation.  

And in doing so, they have already raised over £3,000 for the Royal British Legion!

Watch below as we meet Jason and Simon, who tell us about the challenge and why they chose to raise funds for the RBL.

We were delighted to gift Jason and Simon a 2023 Royal British Legion Poppy® Silver Proof £5 each as well as the FINAL 2023 Poppy® Silver Masterpiece Coin to be struck to honour their achievements and thank them for their fundraising efforts…

Watch the interview and gifting in full below or read on to find out more about Jason and Simon’s story…

Click here to view Jason and Simon’s fundraising page >>

Jason and Simon’s Story

Both Simon and Jason have a close connection to the military – Jason served in the Parachute Regiment for over 22 years and his twin brother was also in the RAF. Simon’s father was a navigator in the RAF during National Service.

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Jason and Simon took on the challenge to honour the skill shown by the 617 Squadron.

They took on the challenge as they were inspired by the bravery and skill that the 617 Squadron showed. Simon said that the idea was to “champion the engineering aspect” as well as the airmanship. “It really struck home how difficult that would have been, and how dangerous. The airmanship was what blew me away”, Jason said.

2 - “We retraced the steps of the Dambusters”. How these pilots raised thousands for the RBL.
As part of the commemorative flight they passed over 8 locations with links to the Dambusters, including Chesil Beach in Dorset.

On 16th May 2023, the 80th anniversary of the Dambusters Raid, Jason and Simon began their challenge – departing from the RAF St Athan airfield site on a mission to pass over 8 locations:

  • Chesil Beach, Dorset – testing location for the “bouncing bomb”
  • Reculver Bay, Kent – testing location for the “bouncing bomb”
  • East Kirkby Aviation Heritage Centre, Lincolnshire – a unique living museum to the Dambusters and home of ‘Just Jane’.
  • Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire – home of the Dambusters Memorial
  • RAF Scampton, Lincolnshire – the wartime base of the 617 Squadron and location where the Raid was launched
  • Derwent Dam, Sheffield – a location closely resembling the Möhne Dam where the Dambusters practiced for the Raid.
  • Nant-y-Gro Dam, Rhayader – the site where Barnes Wallis successfully demonstrated the concept of the depth charge mine.
  • Penarth, Glamorgan – the site of Wing Commander Guy Gibson’s memorial and his wartime home.

Jason and Simon conducted each flight using only maps, stopwatches and compasses to navigate as the Dambusters did.

4 - “We retraced the steps of the Dambusters”. How these pilots raised thousands for the RBL.
Jason and Simon used only maps, stopwatches and compasses to navigate as the Dambusters did.

You can find out more about the challenge and donate here >>

The 2023 Official RBL Poppy® Coin Range

For nearly 20 years, The Westminster Collection has released coins in support of the Royal British Legion – and collectors have raised over £1.25 million for the RBL.

The 2023 coin range is available to order now but with stock selling fast, you’ll need to act today to secure your tribute…

RBL BLOG IMAGES - “We retraced the steps of the Dambusters”. How these pilots raised thousands for the RBL.

Prices start from JUST £25 (+p&p) – Click here to view the range >>