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Celebrate 75 years of our NHS with The Royal Mint’s BRAND-NEW 50p coin range!
2023 marks the 75th anniversary of Britain’s National Health Service. And today, we celebrate the pivotal role that the NHS has played in our lives for decades with a brand-new coin range.
But first, let’s take a look back at the service which touches the lives of millions every day…
Britain, 1948
The National Health Service was founded in 1948 and was the first universal health system to be available to all, completely free of charge.
The Minister of Health at the time, Aneurin Bevan, introduced the service to the British people who had previously been unable to afford medical bills and had only ever known insurance-based schemes to cover the cost of healthcare.
But, the NHS offered healthcare to all for not a single penny, and revolutionised medial treatment as the people of Britain knew it…

Establishing the NHS
Since 1948, the NHS has grown into an incredible service, from Britain’s first heart transplant in 1958 to Europe’s first liver transplant in 1968.
Renowned for their large-scale vaccination programmes, the NHS protected children from whooping cough, measles and tuberculosis – and in 1999, the meningitis C vaccine was offered nationally as a global first.

The NHS has delivered huge advances in health care – not only have they carried out revolutionary liver, heart and lung transplants, but they were also the first health service in the world to begin Covid-19 vaccinations. They continue to strive to pioneer new treatments and technologies, such as bionic eyes and the world’s first rapid whole-genome sequencing service.
And following the shocking impact that Covid-19 had on our National Health Service, now is the perfect time to offer gratitude for decades of selfless, tireless and relentless work.
A Sentimental 50p
Therefore, to not only pay tribute to the 75th anniversary of the NHS, but to also offer appreciation for their care, compassion and devotion throughout the years, The Royal Mint have issued a new coin range.

Available in Brilliant Uncirculated Quality, Silver Proof and Gold Proof, your 50p coin features a design that showcases words of appreciation for our NHS workers, both past and present.