Churchill’s “V for Victory” Campaign: A Leader’s Powerful Symbol of Unity

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On July 19, 1941, Winston Churchill, our steadfast British Prime Minister, introduced a potent symbol of hope and defiance: the “V for Victory” campaign. This emblem of resistance became a rallying cry for the Allied forces and occupied Europe, showcasing Churchill’s leadership and his ability to inspire a war-torn world.

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Image credit IWM youtube video –, please consider supporting Imperial War Museums at

The Origin of the “V” Symbol

The idea of using the letter “V” as a symbol of victory came from Victor de Laveleye, a Belgian politician and broadcaster. In January 1941, de Laveleye suggested that “V,” the first letter of “victoire” in French, “vrijheid” in Dutch, and “victory” in English, could unify those resisting the Axis powers. This simple yet profound idea quickly spread, as people across occupied Europe began marking the letter “V” in public places as a silent act of defiance.

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Image credit: IWM –

Churchill’s Leadership and Promotion of the Campaign

Churchill saw the potential of the “V” sign to inspire the public. On July 19, 1941, he endorsed the “V for Victory” campaign in a radio broadcast, urging people everywhere to adopt the symbol as a gesture of defiance and hope.

Churchill himself frequently made the “V” sign with his fingers during public appearances, creating a powerful visual connection between his leadership and the cause of victory. This gesture, captured in photographs and newsreels, became synonymous with his indomitable spirit.

The British government supported the campaign vigorously. The BBC integrated the Morse code for “V” (dot-dot-dot-dash) into its broadcasts, often using the opening notes of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, which matched this pattern. Posters, leaflets, badges, stickers and even cigarettes helped spread the “V for Victory” message far and wide.

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Image credit: IWM-

The Impact of Churchill’s Symbol

The “V for Victory” campaign significantly boosted morale in both occupied and free nations. For those under Nazi control, the symbol provided a sense of solidarity and hope, reminding them that liberation was possible. In Allied countries, it reinforced the resolve to support the war effort and remain united against tyranny.

The widespread use of the “V” symbol also had a psychological impact on the Axis powers, demonstrating the resilience and determination of those they sought to subdue.

Today, Churchill’s “V for Victory” campaign stands as a testament to his leadership and the power of symbols in rallying a nation. His strategic use of the “V” sign not only galvanised the war effort but also left a lasting legacy of hope and unity that continues to inspire.

Churchill’s ability to transform a simple idea into a powerful emblem of resistance and victory exemplifies his extraordinary leadership during one of history’s darkest times. The “V” sign remains a timeless symbol of the enduring human spirit and the fight for freedom.

Thank you for reading.

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Operation Colour Scheme. The Fire Service’s Top Secret D-Day Mission.

2024 marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day. On 6th June 1944, the Allied Forces launched one of its biggest military operations – they came by land, sea and air and would eventually bring about the liberation of Europe and the end of World War II.

But as D-Day was being planned, more and more equipment was stockpiled in the South of England and needed to be protected, and that’s why the National Fire Service Commanders were tasked with a top secret mission of their ownOperation Colour Scheme.

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Operation Colour Scheme: Protecting the Overlord Invasion’s Infrastructure

Operation Colour Scheme, a little-known but vital aspect of the Fire Service’s activity in World War II, involved moving 11,000 firemen and women and over 1,200 fire fighting vehicles to the South of England to protect resources being stored in rural areas.

In 1943, the German bombing offensive was at a lower level and so it was decided that fire fighting resources could be moved from areas in the North and the Midlands to areas in the South to cover sites that now required a higher level of protection, including:

  • Logistical supply sites
  • Harbours linked to the D-Day invasion – most notably coastal areas of East Sussex and an armada of ships in the lower reaches of the Thames
  • Ammunition dumps
  • Petrol pipe lines

The Colour Scheme – and what each colour meant

And to aid planning, England and Wales were split into 12 regions – with each region given a colour to represent the level of risk each region faced:

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Image Credit: rob1713
War Relics Forum
  • Regions shaded Purple and Blue needed to be reinforced to above their maximum strength –  the Purple regions were most impacted
  • Regions shaded Green needed to be reinforced up to their maximum strength
  • Regions shaded Brown were areas from which resources could be drawn from to provide for Purple, Blue and Green regions

The crucial role of the Fire Service during World War II

The war years proved to be the busiest for our Fire Brigades with fire fighters on the front line protecting communities during Air Raids and as part of Operation Colour Scheme.

Fire fighters were issued with one basic uniform; a steel helmet, rubber boots, trousers and waterproof leggings – although shortages saw some stuck with just Post Office uniforms!

The first air raid on London took place on 7th September 1940 and this would mark the start of The Blitz – where London endured bombings for 57 nights in a row. Most of the air raids took place at night, meaning fire fighters spent long hours extinguishing fire or dealing with explosions.

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Fire fighters putting out a blaze in London during The Blitz
New York Times Paris Bureau Collection, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

In the first 22 nights of air raids, fire fighters had fought nearly 10,000 fires – and for many, this was their first experience of fire fighting…

And by 1943, over 70,000 women had enrolled in the National Fire Service, many becoming fire watches and drivers and managing the communications network.

Britain’s Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill honoured these great efforts and once said that the fire service “were a grand lot and their work must never be forgotten”.

The BRAND NEW History of the Fire Brigade 50p Collection

Issued to mark 200 years since the establishment of Britain’s first Municipal Fire Service, The History of the Fire Brigade 50p Collection shares the story of two centuries of heroic service.

Included in the set is the 1934 London Fire Brigade 50p Coin which depicts a World War II Fire Engine – a Dennis Chassis with an extendable ladder – in front of a background representing the city during The Blitz.

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Each coin has been officially authorised by Buckingham Palace and King Charles III to pay tribute to the unsung heroes who have battled flames and saved lives for centuries.

A variety of specifications are available to order today from The Westminster Collection. Click here to view the COMPLETE range >>


2024 marks 80 years since brave allied forced landed on Normandy Beaches in one of the largest military operations in history.

D-Day turned the tide in the second world war, and today, its monumental 80th anniversary is being commemorated on a brand-new UK 50p coin.

Check out the coin below and use our interactive map to discover the intricate design…

Carefully curated by sculptor and artist, David Lawrence, in collaboration with the Imperial War Museum, the coin’s reverse design is the perfect tribute to time that will soon move beyond living memory.

In fact, it is likely one of the last anniversaries where veterans and their families can still honour an incredible moment in British history.

The landings themselves took place at five assault beaches along a 50 mile stretch of the Normandy Coast. They were given the codenames of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword – all of which are inscribed on the bottom of the design.

The coin is available in a range of specifications, including superior Brilliant Uncirculated and limited-edition Silver Proof and Piedfort.

However, some of the most special issues are without a doubt the postmarked coins.

Carefully paired alongside a 1st Class Royal Mail stamp, each cover and DateStamp™ will be postmarked on the 80th Anniversary date, 6th June 2024, and are available for pre-order today.

Click here to view the full range and secure yours >>