🎖️ Honouring Heroes: The Enduring Legacy of D-Day Veterans

As we near the 80th anniversary of D-Day, it’s a poignant moment to reflect on the courage and sacrifice of those who played a pivotal role in one of the most significant military operations in history. The Westminster Collection, in partnership with the Royal British Legion, brings to light the stories of four veterans whose bravery exemplifies the spirit of that day. Their personal accounts offer us a window into the past, ensuring that the lessons and legacies of 6th June, 1944, are never forgotten.

D Day Veteran stories Joe Mines Jack Mortimer Bernard Morgan Albert Price WW2 photographs 1024x288 - 🎖️ Honouring Heroes: The Enduring Legacy of D-Day Veterans
D Day Veteran stories Joe Mines Jack Mortimer Bernard Morgan Albert Price 1024x288 - 🎖️ Honouring Heroes: The Enduring Legacy of D-Day Veterans

Bernard Morgan – The Young Visionary of Gold Beach

Bernard Morgan was only 19 when he landed on Gold Beach as an RAF sergeant, making him one of the youngest sergeants to participate in the Normandy invasion. His task began perilously as he manned a Bren gun aboard his landing craft at 3 AM, ready to fend off any aerial attacks. The harsh reality of war struck him deeply as he witnessed the bodies of Allied troops upon his landing—a sight that profoundly affected him and stayed with him for the rest of his life. Bernard still possesses a significant piece of history: the original telex announcing the German surrender, a document he kept secret for over 50 years. His reflections on the importance of remembrance, particularly through the symbol of the poppy, resonate with his belief in acknowledging the sacrifices made by his fallen comrades.

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Albert Price – From Operation Smash to Normandy Shores

Albert Price’s wartime journey began with the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards in 1942, two years before he would set foot on Gold Beach as an 18-year-old gunner. His experience in Operation Smash at Studland Bay, a rehearsal that tragically cost lives, foreshadowed the brutal realities of war he would face. On D-Day, Albert landed amid a storm of artillery, a memory etched in his mind for its intensity and the pride he felt in being part of such a monumental event. The personal losses he endured, and his skirmish with the 12th Panzer division, where he witnessed the severe injury of his driver, underscore the brutal costs of war.

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Jack Mortimer – The Reluctant Hero of Sword Beach

Jack Mortimer vividly recounts the daunting scenario as he landed on Sword Beach, surrounded by a massive assembly of ships, vehicles, tanks, and artillery. His role as a driver and dispatch rider for the 12th Ordnance Beach detachment thrust him directly into the line of fire, navigating through a storm of shells to advance towards Caen. The threat of snipers and the sight of numerous casualties painted a stark picture of the day’s grim realities. Despite the heroism he displayed, Jack humbly remembers the fallen as the true heroes and shares the emotional burden of returning to the beaches where he saw so much loss.

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Joe Mines – The Unseen Bravery of Mine Clearing

Joe Mines’ story of being thrust into the role of mine clearer due to his surname is both ironic and tragic. Tasked with clearing mines from Ver-sur-Mer using only bayonets, Joe faced the terrifying prospect of triggering mines intended to cause maximum damage, like the wooden Schu-mines or the deadly S-mines, which projected ball bearings at waist height. The vivid memories of his comrades falling shortly after landing highlight the random and brutal nature of war. His later years spent promoting the Poppy Appeal helped him find a sense of pride and healing, recognising the value of his survival and contributions.

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Reflecting on Their Legacy

The personal stories of Bernard, Albert, Jack, and Joe not only provide a human perspective to the historical event of D-Day but also emphasise the broader themes of bravery, sacrifice, and the enduring impact of their actions. As we commemorate the 80th anniversary, these personal accounts remind us of the high price of freedom and the importance of peace.

D Day Veteran stories Joe Mines Jack Mortimer Bernard Morgan Albert Price 1024x288 - 🎖️ Honouring Heroes: The Enduring Legacy of D-Day Veterans

These veterans represent a generation whose courage and resilience shaped the course of history. Let us honour their memory and ensure that their stories inspire future generations to value peace, remember the past, and uphold the virtues of bravery and sacrifice.

An exclusive new release for the 80th Anniversary of D-Day

You can directly support veterans while collecting with the brand-new RBL D-Day Anniversary Commemorative. With each purchase of the commemorative we will ensure a 10% donation is made to The Royal British Legion on your behalf.

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Produced in partnership with The Royal British Legion, your commemorative features a dynamic cut-out silhouette of a soldier, stepping forward, rifle aimed – this impressive feature has been created with an innovative minting technique, perfectly capturing the importance of the theme.

All those who fought bravely on the beaches of Normandy are represented by the silhouette, providing a window into the past. A past filled with incredible bravery that deserves to be honoured with a fitting tribute. 

Click here to receive early access and pre-order yours >>

The Gold Pennies being parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota

2024 marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, a pivotal moment in history that heralded the beginning of the end of World War II.

To honour this momentous occasion, an extraordinary event is being held at North Weald Airfield in Essex, UK. From Friday 31st May to 2nd June, visitors will have the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in history with a variety of activities and a special highlight for the Westminster Collection – the PARACHUTING of the D-Day 80th Anniversary Gold Penny First Strike Edition….

D Day 80th Gold Penny Obv Rev - The Gold Pennies being parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota

Step Back in Time: The D-Day Commemoration Event

Imagine stepping onto a bustling airfield, surrounded by the sights and sounds of the 1940s. The North Weald Airfield event promises an authentic World War II experience, featuring a fleet of historic Dakotas and other period aircraft. These iconic planes, vital to the success of many Allied campaigns, particularly during the D-Day invasion, will be on full display. The C-47s, affectionately known in British service as Dakotas, were instrumental in dropping over 50,000 paratroopers behind enemy lines during the first days of the invasion.

Over the three days, visitors can tour these legendary aircraft, meet the dedicated crews who preserve their history, and delve deep into the stories that these metal birds carry. The re-enactments will give a glimpse into the life of a WWII soldier, and the paratroopers will be able to be observed preparing for their jumps, and the historic sight of the WWII aircraft taking to the skies.

Picture3 - The Gold Pennies being parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota
Source: dday-80.co.uk

The Gold Pennies taking a journey of their own…

And adding huge excitement for collectors is the release and parachuting of the limited-edition D-Day 80th Anniversary 9 Carat Gold Pennies.

A limited edition run of just 995 solid gold pennies are being struck to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and we have been able to secure the first 250 of these to be struck for a mission of their own – to be flown and parachuted on a special 80th anniversary flight.

That’s right, this means these 250 Gold Pennies are not only a FIRST STRIKE edition, but flown in and parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota aircraft.

They will be sent on a mission over to Carentan in Normandy, mirroring the daring jumps made by Allied soldiers 80 years ago. Once over Carentan and carrying the coins in their uniforms, the team of ex-military parachutists will make an historic jump, re-enacting the jumps made by thousands of allied soldiers on D-Day.

Each coin, once landed, will be carefully collected, housed in a tamper-proof capsule, and placed in a deluxe presentation case, complete with a Certificate of Authenticity, confirming its historic journey.

D Day 80th Gold Penny Whole Product with Flown Cert - The Gold Pennies being parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota

About the ’Dakota’ aircraft

The Douglas C-47 Dakota played a pivotal role in the success of numerous Allied operations during World War II, cementing its place in aviation and military history. Known as the “gooney bird” by those who flew and maintained it, the C-47 was a military adaptation of the DC-3, an aircraft that had already revolutionised commercial air travel.

D Day Penny Dakota - The Gold Pennies being parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota

The Dakota’s significance extends beyond its robust design and reliability; it was the backbone of the Allied air transport fleets. In Europe, the C-47 and a specialised paratroop variant, the C-53 Skytrooper, were used in vast numbers in the later stages of the war, particularly to tow gliders and drop paratroopers. More than 50,000 paratroopers were dropped by C-47s during the first few days of the D-Day campaign in June 1944. The Dakota’s versatility was unmatched; it served in roles ranging from medical evacuation and cargo transport to paratrooper drops and even as makeshift bombers.

The Dakota’s contribution to the war effort and its lasting legacy in both military and civilian aviation make it one of the most celebrated aircraft in history.

Join us in remembering the heroes of D-Day with this special release

Owning one of these rare gold pennies is more than just acquiring a collectible. This is a unique opportunity to own a part of history, captured in 9-carat gold, and approved by Buckingham Palace and His Majesty the King.

D Day 80th Gold Penny Lifestyle 01 - The Gold Pennies being parachuted out of an original WWII Dakota

If you’re interested in securing this highly significant release, you’ll have to act fast. Remember, only 250 First Strike Parachuted Editions are available for a small group of collectors.

You can click here to pre-order yours today >>

The Operation Bernhard Banknote – is this the most unique piece of WWII history?

Operation Bernhard was the largest counterfeiting operation in history. It was a secret Nazi plot to destabilise the British economy, in which the Germans planned to flood Europe with counterfeit notes to cause artificial inflation of the British pound.

Unsurprisingly Operation Bernhard, as it was known, is remembered as one of wartime’s most over-the-top secret plots.

Please read on to learn more about this remarkable story, and how you can be one of the few collectors to secure this surviving piece of wartime history.

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The Operation

In 1942, production of counterfeit British ‘White Fivers’ began behind the gates of Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Prisoners worked to perfect the process, and by 1945 it is estimated that 70,000,000 notes were printed by inmates.

But as WWII drew closer to its end and the Nazis reached the closing months of the operation, they became concerned that their fakes notes would be exposed during trials for the war crime of counterfeiting.

In an attempt to hide the evidence, the completed notes and printing equipment were sent to Austria where they were sunk into the deepest part of Lake Toplitz.

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The Recovery

In 1959, the German newsmagazine “Der Stern” financed a recovery operation to retrieve the surviving banknotes. But due to the depth of the lake, only marginal quantities were recovered.

Now, 75 years after the operation began – the notes are again in the light of day.

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Your chance to secure one for a deposit of £34.50 (+p&p)

There are few WWII stories as remarkable as the one of Operation Berhnard.

And in this once-in-a-lifetime Westminster first, we are offering just 50 collectors the chance to own a genuine ‘Paper Money Guarantee’ (PMG) certified ‘Operation Bernhard’ banknote recovered from the depths of Lake Toplitz.

The last time we had 50 available, they sold-out in hours.

Don’t miss out! Click here to secure your Operation Bernhard banknote >>

MicrosoftTeams image 38 - The Operation Bernhard Banknote – is this the most unique piece of WWII history?