Prince George to appear on a British Stamp for the first time

george - Prince George to appear on a British Stamp for the first timePrince George appears on a British 1st class stamp issued 21st April 2016 – the first time he will be pictured on our post. 

The new stamp is part of a special miniature sheet issued to commemorate the Queen’s 90th Birthday, and forms part of a group shot featuring Princes William and Charles, alongside Her Majesty the Queen herself.

Photographer Ranald Mackechnie captured the shot in Buckingham Palace’s White Drawing Room, with the aid of a few carefully positioned books to bring the young Prince George into the frame.

The miniature sheet harks back to the stamps issued in 2000 for the Queen Mother’s 100th birthday, which also featured a family scene. However this stamp sheet is particularly special, as it is the first time three heirs apparent have posed together in this way.

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The new stamps – featuring Prince George for the very first time

Perfect for collecting

The new stamp sheet will be particularly sought-after by collectors, as philatelic ‘firsts’ like this are always in demand – especially when linked to such an important Royal event.

Further adding to the appeal are six more commemorative UK stamps due to be issued simultaneously. Each features a photograph of the Queen from throughout her life, and the images are instantly evocative of her lifetime of service to the country.

Aside from their visual appeal, there are also a number of British ‘firsts’ here too, including the first time the Queen has been pictured on a stamp with a head of state from another country – in this case Nelson Mandela.

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Six new GB Stamps issued to mark the Queen’s 90th Birthday

Suffice to say, this impressive new  issue is a fitting tribute to The Queen, and these stamps will make a proud addition to the collection of anyone that wants to mark this landmark Royal occasion.

If you’re interested…imagegen - Prince George to appear on a British Stamp for the first time

You can own ALL six new stamps, plus the miniature sheet, on The Ultimate Queen’s 90th Birthday First Day Cover. Officially postmarked by Royal Mail on the Queen’s Birthday 21st April 2016, this cover is available to order now.

Click here for details…


First Look: The UK’s New Longest Reigning Monarch Stamps

Royal Mail has issued a set of five new stamps marking Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II becoming our Longest Reigning Monarch.

Each stamp features a different regal design highlighting a key Royal motif, and there is a new 1st Class definitive for use on everyday letters too.

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I’ve managed to get hold of some of the stamps fresh off the press so I can show them to you here on the blog…

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William Wyon’s City Medal depicting Queen Victoria

1st Class
In a nod to the historical precedent for the occasion this stamp features William Wyon’s ‘City Medal’. Depicting the head of Queen Victoria – the UK’s previous longest reigning monarch – the medal was struck to commemorate her first visit to London. The image on the Penny Black was based on this portrait, which in turn was based on a sketch of Princess Victoria when she was 15 years old.

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Dorothy Wilding’s three-quarter profile of HM Queen Elizabeth II

1st Class
Dorothy Wilding’s three-quarter profile photograph of Queen Elizabeth II was one of a series taken in April 1952 and appeared on British postage stamps from 1952 until 1967.

It is reprised here, an unprecedented pairing of the two most important images of the Queen in British postal history.


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The Badge of the House of Windsor

The House of Windsor came into being in 1917, when ‘Windsor’ was adopted as the British Royal Family’s official name by a proclamation of King George V, replacing the historic name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The Badge of the House of Windsor shown on this stamp – featuring the Round Tower of Windsor – has been in use since 1938.


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The Queen’s Personal Flag

The second high-value stamp bears the Personal Flag of Queen Elizabeth II. This is a standard that can be used on any building, ship, car or aircraft in which the Queen is staying or travelling. It is often used to represent her role as Head of the Commonwealth.


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Brand new ‘Long to Reign Over us’ 1st Class Definitive

1st Class Definitive
In 1966 the HM The Queen approved Arnold Machin’s design for an effigy of her to be used on what came to be known as the “Machin series” of British definitive postage stamps. This latest edition is printed in a new mauve colour and the text in iridescent ink repeats the phrase, ‘Long to Reign Over Us.’



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Longest Reigning Monarch Postmark – Windsor

There is also a new commemorative postmark featuring the opening lines from the national anthem – ‘God Save Our Gracious Queen’ – which complements the stamps superbly. Any commemoratives using this postmark are sure to be sought after in the future – it is a true one-of-a-kind.

Suffice to say, these five new stamps are an intelligent, subtle and dignified tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s remarkable reign. As it is extremely unlikely her record will be broken in our lifetime, these could well become some of the most sought after QEII stamps ever issued.

p353 lrmdbicc the united kindom longest reigning monarch coin cover - First Look: The UK's New Longest Reigning Monarch StampsIf you’re interested…

You can own all five of these stamps now, postmarked with the first day of issue date 9/9/2015, and affixed to a commemorative Double Coin Cover. Featuring the new UK £5 Coin, you can read more about it by clicking here…


The 50th anniversary of the most reproduced image in the world

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Arnold Machin’s Effigy of the Queen in silhouette

50 years ago in 1964 Her Majesty the Queen approved a new portrait for her coinage, and set in motion a chain of events that led to the creation of the most reproduced image in the world.

The portrait in question was designed by Arnold Machin RA – and if you look in your pocket now you’re still likely to find a coin bearing the distinctive profile.

But even though millions of coins are struck every year – it was when the design was adapted for use on our stamps that it really took off…

300 billion and counting

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The 6 1/2p Definitive Stamp featuring Arnold Machin’s effigy of the Queen.

Best estimates suggest that the Arnold Machin RA effigy of Queen Elizabeth II has now been reproduced on our stamps over 300 billion times – a staggering number.

In fact, amongst collectors, UK definitive stamps are now simply referred to as ‘Machins’ because the image is so ubiquitous.

But who is Arnold Machin RA, and how did he come to design this instantly recognisable image?

From pottery to sculpting the Queen’s portrait

Arnold Machin was born in 1911 in Stoke-on-Trent.  Modelling and sculpture was in the family, but his father struggled to make ends meet with his freelance modelling job.  Consequently Machin started work aged 14 at the Minton China Factory, as an apprentice china painter.

But he could not keep away from sculpture, and after a working for many years in the arts was appointed an associate member of the Royal Academy of Arts in London in 1947.

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Arnold Machin’s Effigy on a UK Crown

As if this wasn’t enough of an honour, in 1964 Machin was approached to design an effigy of the Queen for the new decimal coinage to be introduced in 1971.  So, despite never having designed a coin before, Machin was granted four sittings with the Queen.

Cleverly using the bas-relief technique, which creates a raised sculpture from a plaster base, Machin came up with a design the Queen appreciated so much she has insisted it be used unchanged on our stamps for the past 40 years.

An £18,000 plaster cast

Perhaps testament to the enduring popularity of the image, and the design process behind it, one of Machin’s original plaster casts recently sold at auction for the princely sum of £18,000.

And I don’t think this will be the last we’ll hear of record breaking Machin sales – as time goes by the power of the image will not diminish, yet the availability of collectables will.

And now we are due to see a new portrait of the Queen on our coinage in 2015, this is bound to be an area to watch.

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st arnold machin fractional set box web images - The 50th anniversary of the most reproduced image in the world

The Arnold Machin Queen Elizabeth II Philatelic Silver Set

The Arnold Machin Queen Elizabeth II Philatelic Silver Set

The Westminster Collection is proud to present the first ever officially licensed silver philatelic set featuring Arnold Machin’s famous effigy of the Queen.