Vote for your coin of the year
As 2020 draws to a close, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to look back at some of the most popular coins from the past 12 months, which you can see below.
But I NEED YOUR HELP in deciding which coin is to be crowned the collector’s favourite of 2020.
Please decide from the following coins and vote for your favourite in our poll at the bottom of the blog.
The Winnie the Pooh 50p Set

The Team GB 50p

The Victory 50p Set

The Queen £5

The Dinosaur 50p Set

The David Bowie £5

The Snowman™ 50p

The Peter Pan 50p Set

Team team gb lot of work to make a champion
Victory all the way, great set…
Peter Pan 50p set- top coins
My favourite
Just love David Bowie so no brainier for me !
I think the team GB 50 pence coin is my favourite as it has such a lot doing on on it
I love Rupert the bear as l had all his annuals when l was very small, wish lmhad of kept them.
Queen £5.00 coin is the one that stands out this year.i bought it on first release.
I’m now a proud owner of it.
Anne Wright 8th Dec 2020 @ 18:28
It is difficult to chose one coin, they are all beautiful especially in this year of great challenge and sadness.
I would have picked the 12 days of Christmas coins or the Christmas carols and scenes. Also the NHS coin, but I feel the Victory coin is good for it reminds us that we can overcome and know Peace though the true peace in our hearts is only obtained through JESUS the Christ child of Christmas-GOD with us.
My favourite coin is Team GB as it has so many symbols of the sports on the coin.
I’m a big softy! The Snowman does it for me.